Claire Fricke

Counselling & Supervision

FULL MOON in Aquarius August 15th 2019~ MYSTIC MAMMA


August 15th 2019 5:30 am PDT |

1:30 pm BST | 11:30 PM AEDT

*FULL MOON* in Aquarius alchemizes the cauldron of our humanity.

Within this axis, Aquarius (humanitarian) and Leo (Self), we become the change.

It’s easy to focus on others, but if we keep our focus on our Self and do what we feel moved to do, we create space for others to be informed and inspired by our actions and be led by their own free will, rather than through any kind of pressure or intimidation.

This Aquarius FULL MOON encourages us to witness what is being illuminated and unhinge from the ties of public opinion to continue to unfurl who we truly are.

We are in an evolutionary time that is encouraging us to embody our true essence.

Everything is shifting right now, and it is a time to access higher mind and take a broad wide view. These are the keys that open the doors to new perception.

Our thoughts create our world. That is the frontier.

And so as we continue to expand our own thinking and ways of seeing, we help turn the tide.

Discomfort has things she wants to share with us, invite her for a cup of tea, listen and witness.

As we embark on new ground, we might not be able to map the coordinates or know how to get from where we’ve been to where we are going, but that will come.

Right now it’s about clearly seeing, integrating and bringing a compassionate view to our multi-dimensional landscape.

Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers:

SARAH VARCAS from her shares:

“This moon reminds us we don’t have to believe a single thought or subscribe to any belief unless we choose to.

“And we must choose with great care, for what occupies our mind also shapes our life.

“If we can simply sit in silent witness of all our mental meanderings at this moon, we can create the space around our thoughts which allows us to just be: watching them without believing them. Assessing their value before committing to them.

“It’s often said that ‘where attention goes, energy flows’.

“This moon refines that statement. It’s not the fact of placing attention that holds the power, but the quality of the attention applied.

“If we attend to painful feelings with a mind that feeds off the drama and identifies with the pain then yes, our attention is problematic.

“If, however, we bring to difficult issues a softened heart, a compassionate perspective, patience, insight and a desire to know our true nature, we don’t have to look away from what challenges us.

“…There’s a fair bit of tension around, so cutting each other (and ourselves) some serious slack is good advice.

“If possible, avoid heated topics of debate and focus on things that unite rather than divide, otherwise it may be all too easy to slip into overzealous championing of our own perspective with no consideration of someone else’s view….

“Avoid the tendency to act out rather than turn within…

“Uranus, the Great Awakener and ruler of Aquarius, uses sudden twists of fate to rouse us from the deceptive slumbers of assuming we know who we are…

“Now retrograde, it’s rearranging our inner world to illuminate those roots – stories we tell ourselves; beliefs that shape our perceptions; dogma absorbed from others; mental constructs perceived as truth.

“These beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviour patterns and perspectives are traps we unwittingly set on our own path of awakening.

“In the coming five months Uranus retrograde will reveal the inner roots of our ‘fated’ lives, in which we’re mysteriously confronted by the very circumstances that force us to draw upon ever deeper levels of the Self.

“While this Full Moon reminds us that overcoming external limitations is one thing, but only by removing inner barriers are we truly free.”

© Copyright 2019 SARAH VARCAS


“At this Full Moon, we are coming to decisions or in crisis over issues connected to group connections, politics, friends and wider society.

“The Moon itself not only opposes the Sun in Leo, but also Venus, Juno and Mars.

“The Moon in Aquarius needs everyone to cool down, to allow everyone a say, to support one another and celebrate each other’s differences.

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I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which I live and work. I recognise their continuing spiritual and cultural connection to country. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging.