Claire Fricke

Counselling & Supervision

Full Moon is Thursday, August 15 2019 at 10:29 pm- Lena Stevens The Power Path

This is a good day for balance and choice. You can find yourself either in the basement with no windows but a sense of familiarity and security, OR you can go to up to the penthouse where you are more exposed and vulnerable but the view is way better. So if you find yourself in the “dumps” and feeling gloomy, unworthy, out of sorts with yourself and others, overburdened with responsibilities that are not yours, evaluate your life to see what you need. It is important not to get into the blame game as that never leads to the penthouse. Set some new intentions for yourself today as well as new or different boundaries if necessary.

This is also a very social time but choose carefully who you are around The container of this full moon is excellent for dreaming big, new and different. Share some inspiration with others. What do you want your life to look life to look like in a year? In five years? What if?




Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at

Leo New Moon Cycle

New Moon

Sun in Leo ~ Moon in Leo 8º

Wednesday, July 31, 9:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time

(Thursday, August 1, 3:11 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

Full Moon

Sun in Leo ~ Moon in Aquarius 22º

Thursday, August 15, 6:29 AM Mountain Daylight Time

(Thursday, August 15, 12:29 PM Greenwich Mean Time)

Leo Moon cycle is grounded in creativity, leading with our hearts, and a strong urge for self-expression. None of the rough edges of emotional intensity from passing through the eclipse window in a feeling-based sign, Cancer, (connected with family, nourishment, mother, home and ancestral patterns) will be rearing its head. The Sun is no longer with the North/South Nodes and is in a warm, inspiring fire sign now. Fire lifts our spirits and ignites action.

Venus is conjunct the Leo Sun and will magnify the pleasurable and sensual aspects of leading with our hearts. Leo rules the heart and the spine. Leo radiates warmth and the deep “I Am” presence rejoicing in their creative abilities. Filled with pride for all that they are, they generously share themselves and the Spirit that radiates through them for all to appreciate and admire. Leo is the power expression of fire and they can stand in the spot light with ease and grasp and wield the attention they receive. Leo is regal, the King of Beasts, a leader. Only Leo is ruled by the life-giving Sun and this bestows vitality, strength and a great passion for life. Leo, wherever it lies in your chart, will bring a quality of positive attitude, generosity, courage, determination, and a social warm-heartedness. On the shadow side, watch out for that indomitable ego, pomposity, and impulsive judgment ~ not good qualities in a leader. Arrogance can mask a ‘cowardly lion’ needing to disguise parts of the self that feel powerless.

We do have a Grand Trine in fire signs with Chiron, our healer/teacher at 5ºAries, Venus in Leo 5º with Sun/Moon fueling our Queen energy, and Ceres, a Mother Goddess and Keeper of the Grains, 1º Sagittarius. Self-confidence, creativity, and inspired actions are supported. All you have to do is find your inner fire and channel it.

There is one caveat to the Grand Trine in fire signs as inspiring as it is, Uranus is squaring Venus (and Moon/Sun) kicking up restlessness, challenging authority, and wanting freedom to break out of the social mold, and roar from our wild place. We may prowl around for some excitement in relationship. Think twice about redecorating under this influence; eccentricity is high. You can expect the Unexpected to the 10th power. Uranus brings radical change; with Venus involved look to your relationships as a focus for shake up and renewal. Uranus is strong now because it’s at a standstill ready to turn retrograde.

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I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands on which I live and work. I recognise their continuing spiritual and cultural connection to country. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging.